I'm struggling with this small problem, I'm sure it has a simple solution but cannot find it.
I have one file called test1.py, and another called test2.py
My code for test1.py:
import test2(*Variable name*)
print(test2.add(1, 2))
My code for test2.py:
c = *Variable name*
def add(a, b):
sum = a + b + c
return sum
I want to be able to pass in a parameter, when importing test2.py into test1.py, which will be put into the main section of the code within test2.py
This is a simplified version of my problem and the variable c needs to be declared in the main code.
Thanks for any help!
I would go for a class:
# test2.py
class Test:
def __init__(self, c):
self.c = c
def add(self, a, b):
sum = a + b + self.c
return sum
In your test1 you simply import the Module, Instantiate a class, passing c into the constructor:
from test2 import Test
t = Test(5)
print(t.add(1,2)) # = 8