I am using ShellExecuteEx
to start an application.
After successful start im reading TShellExecuteInfo.hProcess
to obtain a handle of the started process.
I would like to periodically check if the process started by my application is still running. Two or more processess with the same name can run simultaneously and I want to be sure that my application is checking the correct process.
I want to be able to do this on Windows systems from Windows 2000 to above.
I know that there is WinAPI function GetProcessId
which is doing exactly what I want but it does not support Windows 2000.
Thank you for your answers.
Call WaitForSingleObject
on that handle, and use a timeout parameter of zero. If the process is still running, the function will return Wait_Timeout
; if the process has terminated, then it will return Wait_Object_0
(because process termination causes its handles to become signaled.)
If you want to know what the exit status of the process is, then call GetExitCodeProcess