Cocos2d-x v4.0 crashing in all iPhone Simulator. In device no crash
glslopt_shader* glslShader = glslopt_optimize(ctx, shaderType, source.c_str(), 0);
For above line everytime crashing. Not using any shader. Above line called by Sprite creation.
auto background = Sprite::create(TEX_MM_BG);
How to fix this crash for simulator ?
With that little info we can't help much. But if I try to interpret the posted image corretly you receive a "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" Exception.
This means more or less that you access a freed memory region or in general you try dereference a pointer pointing to an invalid memory address.
The only argument which could cause such an error is source.c_str()
So you should check the code path of source
In release builds you don't see always "access-after-free" because memory is not immediately released to the OS (which triggers such errors) it is just marked as "free" to allow faster allocations.