I am using SharedPreferences and want to delete saved items one by one, but I want to keep some of them. For example, if there are 4 items, then I want to delete just 2 of them. I found how to delete all items at once by using "prefs.clear()" or "prefs.remove('events')".
If you give me any advice, I would appreciate it! Thank you.
CalendarController _controller;
Map<DateTime, List<dynamic>> _events;
List<dynamic> _selectedEvents;
TextEditingController _eventController;
SharedPreferences prefs;
void initState() {
_controller = CalendarController();
_eventController = TextEditingController();
_events = {};
_selectedEvents = [];
initPrefs() async {
prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
setState(() {
_events = Map<DateTime, List<dynamic>>.from(
decodeMap(json.decode(prefs.getString("events") ?? "{}")));
Map<String, dynamic> encodeMap(Map<DateTime, dynamic> map) {
Map<String, dynamic> newMap = {};
map.forEach((key, value) {
newMap[key.toString()] = map[key];
return newMap;
Map<DateTime, dynamic> decodeMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
Map<DateTime, dynamic> newMap = {};
map.forEach((key, value) {
newMap[DateTime.parse(key)] = map[key];
return newMap;
..._selectedEvents.map((event) => ListTile(
onLongPress: () {
***// I want to do some action here!!!***
title: Text(event),
I would suggest to get those variables you want to keep, clear shared_preferences and write the variables again. Otherwise you gonna have to remove each variable using preferences.remove('keyName')
In your code you're saving your events data as a json string. Thus, if I get it right, to remove some variables, you need to get that string, decode json, remove variables, encode the string and save it.
I would suggest you to make use of sqflite instead of shared_preferences, because it gets more and more complicated to manage your data as your app grows. Shared prefs are used for keeping very simple data between app starts.