If I as an example role 5 dice with the values 2 4 4 5 2 the code will spit out "You scored: 4".
How do I get the highest pair among the dice?
Here is a part of the code.
void Pairs(int n, char* Lower_score1, int* dies)
int i, j;
roll_multiple_dies(n, dies);
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++)
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (dies[i] == dies[j] && j != i)
Lower_score1[0] += dies[i] && dies[j];
printf(" You scored: %d\n", Lower_score1[0]);
I assume that roll_multiple_dies(n, dies);
will fill an array with n
rolls. Then do something like:
roll_multiple_dies(n, dies);
int cnt_arr[7] = { 0 };
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
++cnt_arr[dies[i]]; // Count the number of times each roll result appear
Then check for the highest pair.
The "brute force" way:
if (cnt_arr[6] >= 2) puts("12");
else if (cnt_arr[5] >= 2) puts("10");
else ...
else if (cnt_arr[1] >= 2) puts("2");
else puts("No pairs found");