Is the fetchval in asyncpg safly for sql injections?
async def get_user_id_by_bot_id(self, bot_id):
record: Record = await self.pool.fetchval(self.GET_USER_ID_BY_BOT_ID, (bot_id))
return record
Thank You for answers.
Yes, asyncpg uses PostgreSQL's syntax for parameter substitution. As long as you use that feature, by passing the arguments and using $
followed by the index of the argument, you should be safe!
You shouldn't put the args in a tuple like you show in your code, but do this:
record: Record = await self.pool.fetchval(self.GET_USER_ID_BY_BOT_ID, bot_id)
Some more examples of how you should correctly use parameter substitution:
record = await self.pool.fetchval("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = $1;", my_id)
record = await self.pool.fetchval("UPDATE table SET name = $1 WHERE id = $2 AND username = $3;", new_name, my_id, username)