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How to avoid long delay before finally getting "40001 could not serialize access due to concurrent update"

We have a Postgres 12 system running one master master and two async hot-standby replica servers and we use SERIALIZABLE transactions. All the database servers have very fast SSD storage for Postgres and 64 GB of RAM. Clients connect directly to master server if they cannot accept delayed data for a transaction. Read-only clients that accept data up to 5 seconds old use the replica servers for querying data. Read-only clients use REPEATABLE READ transactions.

I'm aware that because we use SERIALIZABLE transactions Postgres might give us false positive matches and force us to repeat transactions. This is fine and expected.

However, the problem I'm seeing is that randomly a single line INSERT or UPDATE query stalls for a very long time. As an example, one error case was as follows (speaking directly to master to allow modifying table data):

A simple single row insert

insert into restservices (id, parent_id, ...) values ('...', '...', ...);

stalled for 74.62 seconds before finally emitting error

ERROR 40001 could not serialize access due to concurrent update

with error context

SQL statement "SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."restservices" x WHERE "id" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1 FOR KEY SHARE OF x"

We log all queries exceeding 40 ms so I know this kind of stall is rare. Like maybe a couple of queries a day. We average around 200-400 transactions per second during normal load with 5-40 queries per transaction.

After finally getting the above error, the client code automatically released two savepoints, rolled back the transaction and disconnected from database (this cleanup took 2 ms total). It then reconnected to database 2 ms later and replayed the whole transaction from the start and finished in 66 ms including the time to connect to the database. So I think this is not about performance of the client or the master server as a whole. The expected transaction time is between 5-90 ms depending on transaction.

Is there some PostgreSQL connection or master configuration setting that I can use to make PostgreSQL to return the error 40001 faster even if it caused more transactions to be rolled back? Does anybody know if setting

set local statement_timeout='250'

within the transaction has dangerous side-effects? According to the documentation "Setting statement_timeout in postgresql.conf is not recommended because it would affect all sessions" but I could set the timeout only for transactions by this client that's able to automatically retry the transaction very fast.

Is there anything else to try?


  • It looks like someone had the parent row to the one you were trying to insert locked. PostgreSQL doesn't know what to do about that until the lock is released, so it blocks. If you failed rather than blocking, and upon failure retried the exact same thing, the same parent row would (most likely) still be locked and so would just fail again, and you would busy-wait. Busy-waiting is not good, so blocking rather than failing is generally a good thing here. It blocks and then unblocks only to fail, but once it does fail a retry should succeed.

    An obvious exception to blocking-better-than-failing being if when you retry, you can pick a different parent row to retry with, if that make sense in your context. In this case, maybe the best thing to do is explicitly lock the parent row with NOWAIT before attempting the insert. That way you can perhaps deal with failures in a more nuanced way.

    If you must retry with the same parent_id, then I think the only real solution is to figure out who is holding the parent row lock for so long, and fix that. I don't think that setting statement_timeout would be hazardous, but it also wouldn't solve your problem, as you would probably just keep retrying until the lock on the offending row is released. (Setting it on the other session, the one holding the lock, might be helpful, depending on what that session is doing while the lock is held.)