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About peewee transaction commit

I am using mysql 8.0, using the innodb engine, using the version of peewee 3.14, I use peewee transaction commit, without executing commit, I saw the data has been written into the database, but I did not execute db.commit() , I manually execute commands in MySQL. If I don’t execute commit, I won’t be able to write. However, there will be inconsistencies when using peewee transaction commit. What is wrong with my code?

db =db = MySQLDatabase("address", host="", port=3306, user="root", passwd="xxx",autocommit=False,autorollback=True)
with db.manual_commit():


  • You also opened an issue on the peewee issue tracker, where I've responded with the following comment:

    I saw the data has been written into the database

    Assuming you mean you were using a separate connection and saw the data before it had been committed by the peewee connection? You might check your read isolation settings.

    When I run the following script I get the expected output -- the 2nd connection does not see the uncommitted row until I call commit:

    from peewee import *
    db = MySQLDatabase('peewee_test')
    db2 = MySQLDatabase('peewee_test')  # 2nd connection
    class Reg(Model):
        key = TextField()
        class Meta:
            database = db
    class Reg2(Reg):  # model class for accessing table using 2nd conn
        class Meta:
            database = db2
            table_name = 'reg'
    with db.manual_commit() as tx:
        Reg.create(key='k1')  # create a row using first conn
        db2.connect()  # query table using 2nd conn
        print('is "k1" visible to conn2 BEFORE commit?')
        print('rows in "reg" table: %s' %
        print('is "k1" visible to conn2 AFTER commit?')
        print('rows in "reg" table: %s' %


    is "k1" visible to conn2 BEFORE commit?                                                                              
    rows in "reg" table: 0                                                                                               
    is "k1" visible to conn2 AFTER commit?                                                                               
    rows in "reg" table: 1