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Where do you put cleanup code for NSDocument sub-classes?

I have a document-based application and I have sub-classed NSDocument and provided the required methods, but my document needs some extensive clean-up (needs to run external tasks etc). Where is the best place to put this? I have tried a few different methods such as:

  • close
  • close:
  • canCloseDocumentWithDelegate:shouldCloseSelector:contextInfo
  • dealloc

If I put it in dealloc, sometimes it gets called and other times it does not (pressing Command+Q seems to bypass my document's deallocation), but it is mandatory that this code gets called without failure (unless program unexpectedly terminates).


  • Have each document add itself as an observer in the local notification center for NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification. In its notification method, call its clean-up method (which you should also call from dealloc or close).