I am currently using the following library to dynamically edit data.
import ContentEditable from "react-contenteditable";
I would like to have the possibility of adding a datepicker during the focus.
className="date datepicker p-1"
html={date !== null ? Moment(date).format('DD/MM/YYYY') : ''}
onBlur={(event) => handleChangeTask(event, props.newTask.id, 'date')}
onFocus={(event) => handleFocusTask(event)}
How to add a datepicker on a contentEditable? Do I have to create on the fly an input field which launches a datepicker then which fills the value in the datepicker?
You can use this DatePicker which allow you to have a customInput
className="date p-1"
selected={date !== null ? new Date(Moment(date).format('YYYY/MM/DD')) : null}
onChange={date => handleChangeDateTask(Moment(date).format('DD/MM/YYYY'), id)}
html={date !== null ? Moment(date).format('DD/MM/YYYY') : ''}
onBlur={(event) => handleChangeTask(event, id, 'date')}
onFocus={(event) => handleFocusTask(event)}