So I am using pygame to learn python and I got the following problem:
I am trying to create a gravity vector (angle, length)
, like so:
gravity = pygame.math.Vector2(math.pi, 0.01)
I've also tried:
gravity = (math.pi, 0.01)
But when I try to use the gravity variable in my code I get errors saying that I didn't pass enough parameters, as if it treated the gravity variable as a single value.
When I break it down, for example by doing this:
... , gravity[0], gravity[1], ...
It works just fine.
Here's an example function that I want to use with the vector (it takes 4 float values as parameters):
(self.angle, self.speed) = add_vectors(self.angle, self.speed, gravity[0], gravity[1])
(This one works)
(self.angle, self.speed) = add_vectors(self.angle, self.speed, gravity)
(this one doesn't work)
What is causing this? Am I initiating the vector wrong or would I have to keep unpacking it by using gravity[0]
for example?
Your gravity variable is a tuple, which is only one object. Your method expects to have 4 arguments but you are passing 3 in the latter example. You could use argument unpacking / destructing.
add_vectors(self.angle, self.speed, *gravity)
See more about unpacking here: