I have a problem with ecto query. I have this function:
def get_critials() do
critical_time = DateTime.to_naive(Timex.shift(Timex.now, seconds: -600))
query = "SELECT d.*"
<> " FROM sc_devices AS d"
<> " INNER JOIN log_device_commands AS ldc ON ldc.device_id = d.id"
<> " WHERE ldc.inserted_at < timestamp '#{critical_time}'"
{:ok, result} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(Repo, query, [], [:rows])
What I want is to get all records from table sc_devices
where column updated_at
in log_device_commands
is older than 600 seconds, but I get that output:
And I receive this output:
[1, "LAMP 1XX_1", "1.st Lamp on the corner", 1,
"6c7572e1-460f-43dd-b137-90c21d33525b", "XCA190SS2020DE", 3, 1, 1, 46.55472,
15.64667, true, nil, ~N[2020-11-12 20:32:22.000000],
~N[2020-11-12 20:32:22.000000], 2],
[1, "LAMP 1XX_1", "1.st Lamp on the corner", 1,
"6c7572e1-460f-43dd-b137-90c21d33525b", "XCA190SS2020DE", 3, 1, 1, 46.55472,
15.64667, true, nil, ~N[2020-11-12 20:32:22.000000],
~N[2020-11-12 20:32:22.000000], 2],
[1, "LAMP 1XX_1", "1.st Lamp on the corner", 1,
"6c7572e1-460f-43dd-b137-90c21d33525b", "XCA190SS2020DE", 3, 1, 1, 46.55472,
15.64667, true, nil, ~N[2020-11-12 20:32:22.000000],
~N[2020-11-12 20:32:22.000000], 2]
Any ideas how can I solve that?
You could use postgres CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '600 seconds'
instead of using an elixir variable inside the query.
Also, I see you commented that you want to filter by updated_at
but your query is actually filtering by inserted_at