I'm a newbie to SML.
After a couple of searches, I still can't find any resource related to traversing an n-ary tree. Many examples are just traversing a simple binary tree.
Say, I have
datatype 'a tree = leaf of 'a list | node of 'a tree list
I want to traverse this n-ary tree and have the exactly same tree returned (val traverse = fn : 'a tree -> 'a tree
How can I do?
Here's my code:
fun traverse (leaf x) = (leaf x)
| traverse (node []) = node []
| traverse (node [x]) = node [x]
I'm struggling to add the last pattern, i.e., (this is wrong)
| traverse (node (x::xs)) = traverse (node x) :: traverse (xs)
Thanks for your helping.
Since traverse
is a function from trees to trees, you can traverse all the subtrees in the list with map
(and you don't need special cases):
fun traverse (leaf x) = leaf x
| traverse (node xs) = node (map traverse xs)