My IDE is: CodeBlocks 20.03 ( MinGW 9.3.0 )
My code is:
function fun_conversion( n_numb_tmp, n_base_tmp ) result( data_tmp )
integer, intent(in) :: n_numb_tmp
integer, intent(in) :: n_base_tmp
integer :: data_tmp
integer :: n_div, n_div_res
character(1) :: char_01
character(4) :: char_02
n_div = 0
n_div = n_numb_tmp / n_base_tmp
write(char_01,'(i0)') ( n_div * n_base_tmp ) - n_numb_tmp
char_02 = char_01
do while ( n_div /= 0 )
n_div_res = n_div
n_div = n_div / n_base_tmp
write(char_01,'(i0)') n_div_res - ( n_div * n_baza_tmp )
char_02 = trim(char_02) // char_01
end do
! data_tmp = ?????
end function fun_conversion
How to enter all integer remainders of division from the last remainder to the first in the variable data tmp? The algorithm is in pic attachment
If you just need to reverse a string of constant length you can do it as follows
module foo_m
implicit none
integer function str2reverted_int(str) result(res)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
character(len(str)) :: rev_str
integer :: i, n
n = len(str)
rev_str(1:1) = str(n:n)
do i = 2, n
rev_str(i:i) = str(n+1-i:n+1-i)
end do
read (rev_str, *) res
end function
end module
program main
use foo_m
implicit none
print *, str2reverted_int('1234') ! -> '4321'
print *, str2reverted_int('12345') ! -> '54321'
end program