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Use of createSelectorHook instead of deprecated TypedUseSelectorHook

I had the following code to define a typed selector with Redux in TypeScript:

import { useSelector, TypedUseSelectorHook } from 'react-redux';

export interface RootState {
    user: {
        account: string;

export const useTypedSelector: TypedUseSelectorHook<RootState> = useSelector;

Now I see that TypedUseSelectorHook is deprecated and should be replaced by createSelectorHook<State, Action>().

Not sure how to change it and if Action must be there as well. Any suggestion?


  • The useSelector hook has two generic variables: the type of the entire state (TState) and the type of the value which you are selecting (TSelected). We want to make a bound hook where TState is known, but TSelected varies depending on the selector argument that we call the hook with.

    TypedUseSelectorHook is basically just a typescript override. The value of your useTypedSelector is just useSelector.

    createSelectorHook is a little bit different because it's a factory function which returns a useSelector hook. It takes a context as an optional argument (docs link) and it has a second generic variable for Action because that context depends on the action type. Your selector hook doesn't depend on the action type so you don't need to worry about it. Luckily the Action variable is optional and defaults to AnyAction. You just need to set the generic for the state:

    export const useTypedSelector = createSelectorHook<RootState>();

    The type for useTypedSelector is what we expect, which is a hook with only one generic describing the selected value:

    const useTypedSelector: <Selected extends unknown>(
      selector: (state: RootState) => Selected, 
      equalityFn?: ((previous: Selected, next: Selected) => boolean) | undefined
    ) => Selected

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