I am using AWS SDK v2.796.0
As per the documentation of putEvents, the Detail value needs to be a valid JSON string. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_PutEventsRequestEntry.html
However, it is not accepting a JSON array as string.
const eventBridge = new AWS.EventBridge();
const entries = {
Entries: [
EventBusName: "busName",
Source: "api.user",
DetailType: "detailType",
Detail: JSON.stringify({ test: { test: ["test", "test2"] } }),
const rs = await eventBridge.putEvents(entries).promise();
// this passes
// {
// FailedEntryCount: 0,
// Entries: [ { EventId: 'a6176012-7310-2b84-a9b5-819956e2e3f9' } ]
// }
const entries2 = {
Entries: [
EventBusName: "busName",
Source: "api.user",
DetailType: "detailType",
Detail: JSON.stringify([{ test: "test" }]),
const rs2 = await eventBridge.putEvents(entries2).promise();
// this fails
// {
// FailedEntryCount: 1,
// Entries: [
// {
// ErrorCode: 'MalformedDetail',
// ErrorMessage: 'Detail is malformed.'
// }
// ]
// }
Is this expected? Is there a way to use array in Detail?
This happens because you are using list in your entries2
Detail: JSON.stringify([{ test: "test" }]),
If you just use object, it will work:
Detail: JSON.stringify({ test: "test" }),