In a spring boot application, I have an entity where I put some annotation validation.
@Max(value = 17)
private String currency;
@Max(value = 1)
private String freq;
@Max(value = 2)
private String compliance;
@Max(value = 1)
private String payment;
@Max(value = 1)
private String wallet;
@Max(value = 2)
private String cycle;
@Max(value = 24)
private String histoProfil;
@Max(value = 20)
private String idNo;
@Max(value = 2)
private String special;
Value for theses files
idNo="Staple Bill";
I get many error
for freq: must be lower than or equal to 1
for currency: must be lower than or equal to 17
for compliance: must be lower than or equal to 2
for payment: must be lower than or equal to 1
for wallet: must be lower than or equal to 1
for cycle: : must be lower than or equal to 2
for histoProfil: must be lower than or equal to 24
for idNo: must be lower than or equal to 20
for special: must be lower than or equal to 2
Freq have one character, why i get this message? Empty value is lower then 17 for currency..
I don't understand why this error occur.
The @Max annotation are validation for these types: BigDecimal, BigInteger, byte, short, int, long, and their respective wrappers.
Use a different annotation @Length(min, max) if you are trying to validate string length.