I would like to make a GET request to an API using different strings (adresses) to get the corresponding coordinates. The API allows only to send a single string at a time. Therefore, I need to loop through my "adress" variable and would like to collect the received data in a new variable/column.
Since I am new to SAS EG, I am confused about the appropriate method (macros or "do-loops"). I would very much appreciate any help here. I have drafted the following solution which works for a single string based on the reply to a previous question:
filename response temp;
filename headers temp;
url = 'https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services/api/SearchServer?searchText=Bahnhofstrasse 1 Zürich&type=locations'
proxyhost = 'OUR PROXYHOST'
proxyport = *OUR PROXYPORT*
out= response
headerout = headers
ct = "application/json";
data _null_;
infile headers;
put _infile_;
data _null_;
infile response;
put _infile_;
* libref name same as fileref pointing to json content;
libname response json;
proc copy in=response out=work;
I would appreciate any help very much on how to continue from this point and which method to use.
You can use the doSubL
function to submit source code in a side session for every row in a data set.
* control data, a table of addresses to process;
data addresses;
length address $100;
input address $CHAR100.;
infile datalines truncover;
Pennsylvania 6-5000 Millertown
Bahnhofstrasse 1 Zürich
Duebendorfstrasse 223 8051 Zürich
Hohlstrasse 451, Zurich 8048
Rotbuchstrasse 1, Zurich 8006
Froehlichstrasse 37, Zurich 8008
* a macro for
* - retrieving the search response,
* - extracting the lat and lon,
* - appending to all results table
%macro get_lat_lon(address);
%local server search_endpoint;
%let server = https://api3.geo.admin.ch;
%let search_endpoint = /rest/services/api/SearchServer;
filename response temp;
filename headers temp;
* GET the search response;
proc http
url = "&server.&search_endpoint.?type=locations%str(&)searchText=&address"
method = "get"
/* proxyhost = ... */
/* proxyport = ... */
out = response
ct = "application/json"
libname response json; /* Note: LIBREF is same as FILEREF */
* copy data from JSON response to tables as inferred by json library engine;
proc copy in=response out=sandbox;
* add the address (the search term) to the results;
%if %sysfunc(exist(sandbox.results_attrs)) %then %do;
data sandbox.lat_lon / view=sandbox.lat_lon;
length address $100 detail $200;
set work.results_attrs (keep=detail lat lon);
address = symget('address');
%else %do;
data sandbox.lat_lon;
length address $100 detail $200;
address = symget('address');
call missing(lat, lon);
detail = 'No detail found for address';
* append new results (or lack thereof);
proc append base=address_lookup_results data=sandbox.lat_lon;
* clean out the sandbox;
proc datasets nolist kill lib=sandbox;
run; quit;
filename response;
filename headers;
* create new table to contain appended results;
proc sql;
create table address_lookup_results
( address char(100)
, lat num
, lon num
, detail char(200)
* create new folder to contain tables copied from json response;
* sandbox folder is under WORK so it will be automatically deleted when SAS session ends;
%let workpath = %sysfunc(pathname(WORK));
%let rc = %sysfunc(DCREATE(sandbox,&workpath));
libname SANDBOX "&workpath./sandbox";
* process each address in the control data;
data _null_;
set addresses;
length macro_call_source_code $200;
* codegen;
macro_call_source_code = cats('%get_lat_lon(%str(',address,'))');
* submit codegen in side session;
rc = dosubl (macro_call_source_code);
libname sandbox;
Note the 'not found' detail, and that some search results have multiple details for a given address. Open a new question if you have trouble writing code that must choose a 'best' possible detail correspond to an address.