I have an XML element structure with a one-to-one relationship like this:
<Crew>Crew A</Crew>
<CrewMember>John Smith</CrewMember>
<Crew>Crew A</Crew>
<CrewMember>Jack Jones</CrewMember>
<Crew>Crew B</Crew>
<CrewMember>John Johnson</CrewMember>
I want to transform this into:
<Crew>Crew A</Crew>
<CrewMember>John Smith</CrewMember>
<CrewMember>Jack Jones</CrewMember>
<Crew>Crew B</Crew>
<CrewMember>John Johnson</CrewMember>
Is there an easy way to do this in XQuery? Or perhaps a better way of asking: what is the most efficient way to do this in XQuery?
Here is BaseX v.9.4.4 implementation.
Also, I had to make input XML well-formed by adding a root tag.
xquery version "3.1";
declare context item := document {
<Crew>Crew A</Crew>
<CrewMember>John Smith</CrewMember>
<Crew>Crew A</Crew>
<CrewMember>Jack Jones</CrewMember>
<Crew>Crew B</Crew>
<CrewMember>John Johnson</CrewMember>
for $x in ./root/CrewAllocation
let $crew := $x/Crew
group by $crew
order by $crew
return <CrewAllocation>
<Crew>Crew A</Crew>
<CrewMember>John Smith</CrewMember>
<CrewMember>Jack Jones</CrewMember>
<Crew>Crew B</Crew>
<CrewMember>John Johnson</CrewMember>