I tried to parse this tsv file using reader::read_tsv
but I keep getting error of parsing failures. Then I realised that the tsv contained some unusual characters, when I used python to read the file it says encoding='cp1252'
I have tried using these:
writeLines(iconv(readLines("Evaluations (1).tab"), from = "cp1252", to = "UTF8"), file("test2.tab", encoding="UTF-8"))
read.delim("Evaluations (1).tab", sep = "\t", encoding = "Windows-1252")
read.table("Evaluations (1).tab", header=TRUE, sep="\t", fileEncoding="CP1252")
none worked.
Can someone take a look at this tab file and guide me how I can parse this?
It seems it's UCS-2LE encoded so try:
read.table(file = "Evaluations (1).tab", sep = "\t", header = TRUE, fileEncoding = "UCS-2LE")
[1] Session.Date Date.Completed Evaluator.Name Evaluator.Status Subject.Name
[6] Subject.Rotation Overall.Comments Subject.Comments X.Question.1.ID. X.Question.1.Tags.
[11] X.Question.1.Response. X.Question.1.Comment. X.Question.1.Drop.Down.List. X.Question.2.ID. X.Question.2.Tags.
[16] X.Question.2.Response. X.Question.2.Comment. X.Question.2.Drop.Down.List. X.Question.3.ID. X.Question.3.Tags.
[21] X.Question.3.Response. X.Question.3.Comment. X.Question.3.Drop.Down.List. X.Question.4.ID. X.Question.4.Tags.
[26] X.Question.4.Response. X.Question.4.Comment. X.Question.4.Drop.Down.List. X.Question.5.ID. X.Question.5.Tags.
[31] X.Question.5.Response. X.Question.5.Comment. X.Question.5.Drop.Down.List. X.Question.6.ID. X.Question.6.Tags.
[36] X.Question.6.Response. X.Question.6.Comment. X.Question.6.Drop.Down.List. X.Question.7.ID. X.Question.7.Tags.
[41] X.Question.7.Response. X.Question.7.Comment. X.Question.7.Drop.Down.List.
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)