Hello I'm building the app with hilt dependecy injector, but when I try to build the app i had error from the title. Here's my code:
Flow class:
@Entity(tableName = "flows_table")
data class Flow @Inject constructor(@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id:Int, val name:String, val duration:Int, val actions:ArrayList<Action>)
Action class:
data class Action @Inject constructor(
val type: String,
val color: String?,
val brightness: Int?,
val duration: Float
My application:
class YeebumApplication : Application() {
//get bulbs repository
private val bulbsDatabase by lazy { BulbsDatabase.getInstance(this)}
val bulbsRepository by lazy { BulbsRepository(bulbsDatabase!!.bulbsDao()) }
//get flows repository
private val flowsDatabase by lazy { FlowsDatabase.getInstance(this) }
val flowsRepository by lazy { FlowsRepository(flowsDatabase!!.flowsDao())}
My Fragment:
class ActionDetailsFragment : Fragment() {
lateinit var flow: Flow
With the activity everything works perfectly, but when I try to inject dependiences in fragment android studio throw that exception.
When the Hilt annotation processor comes across the @Inject
annotation in your fragment it is going to try and find (from a Hilt @Module
with a @Provides
annotated method) an instance of Flow
I'm assuming from the error message you have not created this, so instead Hilt will move to the next option and try and create and instance of Flow
So Hilt looks at the first property of Flow
, id
of type Int
. And just like with the injection of Flow
in your fragment, it repeats the process. It looks for an instance of Int
from a Hilt @Module
with a @Provides
annotated method. This doesn't exist. Next option, try and construct it itself. Well Int
is a platform type, you have no access, so you haven't created an Int
class with an @Inject
annotated constructor.
Hilt is now out of options and throws this Exception
Hilt java.lang.Integer cannot be provided without @inject constructor or @Provides - annotated method