I update my data outside of Ag-Grid related code. I have a variable, this.works
, which stores all of the user's "portfolio" for my portfolio manager project. I have this.loadMore()
which loads in more data from the server (which I do not have access to, which is why I load data externally).
I'm employing the "infinite" row model to have infinite scroll. I started using datasource because I want to use sorting and filtering, too.
The problem is that when I update the datasource, scrolling gets reset to the top. This is very annoying behaviour.
Using Ag-Grid Community and Vue.js.
GridOptions (set in beforeMount())
this.gridOptions = {
suppressScrollOnNewData: true,
rowSelection: 'single',
rowModelType: 'infinite',
deltaRowDataMode: true,
defaultColDef: {
sortable: false,
resizable: true
columnTypes: {
'imageColumn': {
width: 150,
sortable: false,
autoHeight: true,
cellRendererFramework: AgGridImageFormatter
'priceColumn': {
cellRendererFramework: AgGridPriceFormatter
methods: {
onBodyScroll: function(event) {
var lastDisplayedWork, ref, worksCount;
worksCount = this.works.length;
lastDisplayedWork = (ref = this.gridOptions.api) != null ? ref.getLastDisplayedRow() : void 0;
if (worksCount - 2 < lastDisplayedWork) {
event.api.ensureIndexVisible(worksCount - 2);
return event.api.setDatasource(this.gridDatasource);
CreateAgGridDataSource: function(worksData) {
return {
rowCount: this.works.length,
getRows: (function(_this) {
return function(params) {
var lastRow, rowsThisPage;
rowsThisPage = _this.works.slice(params.startRow, params.endRow);
lastRow = -1;
return params.successCallback(rowsThisPage, lastRow);
onRowSelected: function(event) {
return this.workClicked(event.data.id);
onGridReady: function(event) {
this.gridDatasource = this.CreateAgGridDataSource(this.works);
return event.api.setDatasource(this.gridDatasource);
Apologies for any weird JS code, I'm using a CoffeeScript to JS converter. I think it should be ok though.
<div id="gridContainer">
<ag-grid-vue class="ag-theme-balham" id="AgGrid" :gridOptions="gridOptions" :modules="agGridModules" :columnDefs="agGridColDefs" @body-scroll="onBodyScroll" @row-selected="onRowSelected" @grid-ready="onGridReady"></ag-grid-vue>
How can I make sure that the scroll stays wherever the user has scrolled to? For the record, using api.refreshCells()
doesn't work. With that I get blank rows after the first data call (so only the first ~23 or so items display). So, I need to "refresh" the datasource each time new data is fetched.
This isn't going to be an appropriate answer for everyone but my company went ahead and bought the Enterprise Ag-Grid. This gave me access to the Server Side Row Model, which in turn gives you the opportunity to only render certain rows. I can mimic server fetching inside the data source fetch, then only render the rows that were returned. This is adequate for us because we have the license - I don't think this sort of thing is possible with community edition.