I have a model with double values which is bound to MudTextfield in this way:
<MudTextField @bind-Value="product.Price" Label="Price"/>
@code {
Product product = new Product { Name="Test-Abo", Price=199.12345 }
MudTextfield converts double to string and when string is edited it converts back to double, so that is working fine. But I have two problems:
How can I do it?
On a MudTextField there are a few options to convert the value of type T
(in your case double
) to string
You can either use:
... to override the default UI Culture
... to override the ToString() format
These will actually configure the default converter
... to override the default converter with a custom converter with your own conversion funcs between T and string and vice-versa.
To solve your problem, set the Culture
to Invariant
which will always use the dot (.) as a decimal separator and set the Format
to "F2"
which will truncate your floating point value to two decimals:
<MudTextField @bind-Value="product.Price" Label="Price" Format="F2"