I am using the Singapore theme in Beamer for multiple reasons (this theme is kind of clean, without too much vertical/horizontal bar everywhere, progress dots, ...) and so, I would like to keep it.
Anyway, I defined a back ground with tikz with a circular color gradient background for slide content. But, the header is defined with a background too and I can't suceed to remove its background (even after 2 hours in internet lol).
Here is a mwe where you can see the difference between the two background which make an horizontal white line that I do not want.
\path [outer color = blue!5, inner color = blue!1]
(0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,\paperheight);
How can I do to make the background with a circular color gradient for the fullsize of the slide ? Without interruption of the header ?
The Singapore
theme without the colour gradient boils down to the following settings:
\path [outer color = blue!5, inner color = blue!1]
(0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,\paperheight);