I have Tree, loaded from XML exactly like this.
Additionally I enable drag and drop. Now after making changes in tree by drag and drop, we should be able to get new data so that I can generate new xml.
Even JSON would help to re-generate new xml.
function getJson(treeNode) {
var json = {};
var attributes = treeNode.attributes;
for(var item in attributes){
if (item == 'src' || item == 'text') { //only use required attributes
json[item] = attributes[item];
json.children = [];
if(treeNode.childNodes.length > 0){
for (var i=0; i < treeNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
return json;
// To use above function:
var comp = Ext.getCmp('tree-panel'); //id of the tree panel
var myJSON = getJson(comp.getRootNode());
Can't think about creating XML. I'll make it on server side..
Hope someone could also work on it.