I followed the instructions on https://graphdb.ontotext.com/documentation/9.4/free/shacl-validation.html, and it worked as documented. However, once this is done, I found no way to inspect the Shape graph configured for my repository.
The special graph <http://rdf4j.org/schema/rdf4j#SHACLShapeGraph>
is nowhere to be found; it does not appear in the 'Graphs overview` screen, it is not accessible via SPARQL queries.
Shape graphs currently cannot be queried with SPARQL inside GraphDB as it is not part of the data. One way to inspect the graph is using a RDF4J Client to connect to the GraphDB repository. You can find all the statements inside the shape graph with the following code snippet:
HTTPRepository repository = new HTTPRepository("http://address:port/", "repositoryname");
try (RepositoryConnection connection = repository.getConnection()) {
Model statementsCollector = new LinkedHashModel(connection.getStatements(null, null, null, RDF4J.SHACL_SHAPE_GRAPH)
For more information regarding accessing and updating Shacl shape graphs you can also take a look here https://rdf4j.org/documentation/programming/shacl/ .