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Image can't be uploaded to the server in flutter using DIO

So I was trying to update my profile user by using a backend framework named ASP.NET core. It works fine when I try to use the API in the postman, it’s 100% working, it changes all of the userprofile from the email, image, and etc. But the thing is when I try to use the API in the flutter, it doesn’t work. When I try to debug it, I found that one of my variables which is in the model can’t catch the multipartfile from an image, and that makes an error.

What I have tried to solve this problem(but still doesn’t work):

  1. I have changed the resolution
  2. I have changed the width and height of the image

POSTMAN Is working


Future<Response> updateProfile(
  File profilePic,
  String email,
  String password,
  String fullName,
  String phoneNumber,
  DateTime dateOfBirth,
  String gender,
  String address,
  String city,
  String province,
  String postalcode

  final _path="/user/update-user";

FormData formData= FormData.fromMap(({
      "Image": await MultipartFile.fromFile(profilePic.path,
            filename: profilePic.path.split("/").last),

      Response response = await httpClient.put(_path,data:formData);
    return response;
      return e.response;

Debugging, the profilepic variable was successfully getting the image path, but the image can't catch that


  • My bad guys, there is a missing key at my profile service which is the "phonenumber"key, that makes it an error