I'm building a Terraform config and I'm stuck with a tricky ami selection. My CI builds AMIs and add MyVersionTag
on it based on the current build of the app on the CI. I would like to select the AMI based on this tag sort by version (X.Y.Z
format) to take the latest.
Here is my command line using aws cli
to select the AMI I want to use:
aws ec2 describe-images --filters 'Name=tag-key,Values=MyVersionTag' --query 'reverse(sort_by(Images[].{TagValue:Tags|[0].Value,ImageId:ImageId},&TagValue))|[0].ImageId'
I'm searching a way to configure an EC2 instance with this AMI id. I see 2 possible ways (please correct me):
with pure AMI ID as text (result of a command line through variable)aws_ami
with filtersAny idea?
I finally make is using external
key word. Here is my solution:
# example.tf
resource "aws_instance" "my-instance" {
ami = data.external.latest_ami.result.ImageId
# Other config
data "external" "latest_ami" {
program = ["sh", "latest_ami_id.sh"]
# Or simply
program = ["aws", "ec2", "describe-images", "--filters", "Name=tag-key,Values=MyVersionTag", "--query", "reverse(sort_by(Images[].{TagValue:Tags|[0].Value,ImageId:ImageId},&TagValue))|[0].ImageId"]
# latest_ami_id.sh
# It returns a json with following keys :
#. ImageId, Description, Tags (version actually)
aws ec2 describe-images --filters "Name=tag-key,Values=SecretCore" --query 'reverse(sort_by(Images[].{TagValue:Tags|[0].Value,ImageId:ImageId},&TagValue))|[0].ImageId'
Hope it will help someone else. 👌🏻