I have a form1 (not mdi) which displays dialog on button click event, dialog basically is a pop up form which shows data on datagridview control.
I am using simple injector.
PopUpForm has a property called LocationData which is a datatable. I need to set that property in form1 (parent) so that data can be displayed on the PopUpForm when it is displayed on the screen.
Sorry, i am new to simple injector and still learning, any help or guidence would be appreciated. I even don't know if i am doing in a right way.
On button click event
public partial class PopUpForm : Form
public DataTable LocationData { get; set; }
public PopUpForm()
private void PopUpForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
dgvNearestLocations.DataSource = LocationData;
program class
static class Program
private static Container container;
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
private static void Bootstrap()
// Create the container as usual.
container = new Container();
// Register your types, for instance:
container.RegisterSingleton<IFormOpener, FormOpener>();
container.Register<Form1>(Lifestyle.Singleton); ;
container.Register<PopUpForm>(Lifestyle.Singleton); ;
// Optionally verify the container.
public class FormOpener : IFormOpener
private readonly Container container;
private readonly Dictionary<Type, Form> openedForms;
public FormOpener(Container container)
this.container = container;
this.openedForms = new Dictionary<Type, Form>();
public DialogResult ShowModalForm<TForm>() where TForm : Form
using (var form = this.GetForm<TForm>())
return form.ShowDialog();
private Form GetForm<TForm>() where TForm : Form
return this.container.GetInstance<TForm>();
First of all, you copied the FormOpener probably from this answer. But you missed the part about Forms needing to be transient. Don't register your forms as Singleton
. Especially because you dispose them, this will work one and exactly one time. The next time you would want to show a Form
you will get an ObjectDisposedException
When you register the Forms as Transient
Simple Injector will tell you that the forms implement IDisposable
and this is (of course) correct. But because you take care of disposing in the FormOpener
you can safely suppress this warning. Register your forms like this:
private static void RegisterWindowsForms(
this Container container, IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies)
var formTypes =
from assembly in assemblies
from type in assembly.GetTypes()
where type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Form))
where !type.IsAbstract
select type;
foreach (var type in formTypes)
var registration = Lifestyle.Transient.CreateRegistration(type, container);
"Forms are disposed by application code. Letting Simple Injector do this " +
"is problematic because that would need a scope, which is impossible to do.");
container.AddRegistration(type, registration);
To come to your question:
What you need is some extra infrastructure to initialize the Form
By letting your forms implement an interface IFormInit<T>
you can pass data to the form and directly show it.
public interface IFormInit<T> : IDisposable
DialogResult InitAndShowForm(T data);
To let Simple Injector create the forms based on this interface we need to register them in the container. We can let Simple Injector search for all closed implementations by supplying a list of assemblies, like this:
container.Register(typeof(IFormInit<>), assemblies, Lifestyle.Transient);
Notice that Simple Injector will automatically merge these registrations with the ones from RegisterWindowsForms
. So you can now get an instance of Form
by calling:
You can now add this code to your FormOpener
public DialogResult ShowModalForm<TData>(TData data)
Type formType = typeof(IFormInit<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(TData));
dynamic initForm = this.container.GetInstance(formType);
DialogResult result = (DialogResult) initForm.InitAndShowForm(data);
return result;
This will get the Form
from the container based on the IFormInit<T>
type that it implements. When you get the form, you call the function on the interface instead of directly call Form.ShowDialog()
. When the form is closed you dispose of the Form.
Note: The use of dynamic
typing maybe needs clarification. Why it is needed is inspired by the QueryHandler
pattern described here.
Usage is as follows:
// Add a specific class to pass to the form
public class LocationDataWrapper
public DataTable LocationData { get; set; }
public partial class PopUpForm : Form, IFormInit<LocationDataWrapper>
public PopUpForm() => InitializeComponent();
// Implement the interface, the loaded event can be removed
public DialogResult InitAndShowForm(LocationDataWrapper data)
dgvNearestLocations.DataSource = data.LocationData;
return this.ShowDialog();
On button click event
DialogResult result = this._formOpener.ShowModalForm(new LocationDataWrapper
LocationData = locationDataTable,
You can create wrapper or data classes for each form and it will automatically show the correct form, when you let this Form
implement IFormInit<ThisSpecificDataClass>