I have a table like below. I am trying to merge into this table based on the value in a CTE. But when I try to update the table when there is a conflict, it cannot get the value in CTE
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS master_config_details
master_config_id INT NOT NULL,
account_id INT NOT NULL,
date_value TIMESTAMP(3) NULL,
number_value BIGINT NULL,
string_value VARCHAR(50) NULL,
created_date TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL,
modified_date TIMESTAMP(3) NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_master_config_details PRIMARY KEY (master_config_id, account_id, row_status)
INSERT INTO master_config_details VALUES (
1, 11, NULL,100,NULL, 0, '2020-11-18 12:01:18', '2020-11-18 12:02:31');
select * from master_config_details;`
Now using a cte I want to insert/update records in this table. Below is the code I am using to do the same. When the record already exist in the table I want to update the table based on the data_type_id value in the cte (cte_input_data.data_type_id ) but it fails with the error.
SQL Error [42703]: ERROR: column excluded.data_type_id does not exist
what it should achieve is
if cte_input_data.data_type_id = 1 update master_config_details set date_value = cte.value
if cte_input_data.data_type_id = 2 update master_config_details set number_value = cte.value
if cte_input_data.data_type_id = 3 update master_config_details set string_value = cte.value
The below code should do an update to the table master_config_details.number_value = 22 as there is already a record in that combination (master_config_id, account_id, row_status) which is (1,11,1) ( run this to see the record select * from master_config_details;) but its throwing an error instead
SQL Error [42703]: ERROR: column excluded.data_type_id does not exist
WITH cte_input_data AS (
1 AS master_config_id
,11 AS account_id
,2 AS data_type_id
,'22' AS value
,1 AS row_status)
INSERT INTO master_config_details
,CASE WHEN cte.data_type_id = 1 THEN cte.value::timestamp(3) ELSE NULL END AS date_time_value
,CASE WHEN cte.data_type_id = 2 THEN cte.value::integer ELSE NULL END AS number_value
,CASE WHEN cte.data_type_id = 3 THEN cte.value ELSE NULL END AS string_value
FROM cte_input_data cte
ON CONFLICT (master_config_id,account_id,row_status)
date_value = CASE WHEN excluded.data_type_id = 1 THEN excluded.date_time_value::timestamp(3) ELSE NULL END
,number_value = CASE WHEN excluded.data_type_id = 2 THEN excluded.number_value::integer ELSE NULL END
,string_value = CASE WHEN excluded.data_type_id = 3 THEN excluded.string_value ELSE NULL END
,modified_date = NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'utc';
Special excluded table is used to reference values originally proposed for insertion. So you’re getting this error because this column doesn’t exist in your target table, and so in special excluded table. It exists only in your cte. As a workaround you can select it from cte using nested select in on conflict statement.