I am having trouble with pytesseract in python. When I call the file in the code it says permission is denied. I am working on Mac, so I do not know what to do but I hope you can help me.
#from every single image-based cell/box the strings are extracted via pytesseract and stored in a list
for i in range(len(finalboxes)):
for j in range(len(finalboxes[i])):
outer.append(' ')
for k in range(len(finalboxes[i][j])):
y,x,w,h = finalboxes[i][j][k][0],finalboxes[i][j][k][1], finalboxes[i][j][k][2],finalboxes[i][j][k][3]
finalimg = bitnot[x:x+h, y:y+w]
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (2, 1))
border = cv2.copyMakeBorder(finalimg,2,2,2,2, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,value=[255,255])
resizing = cv2.resize(border, None, fx=2, fy=2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
dilation = cv2.dilate(resizing, kernel,iterations=1)
erosion = cv2.erode(dilation, kernel,iterations=1)
out = pytesseract.image_to_string(erosion) # This line is the one that gives the error
out = pytesseract.image_to_string(erosion, config='--psm 3')
inner = inner +" "+ out
Are you using an assignment to pytesseract of the executable file for tesseract? Since I don't see it in your code, I will assume you are not. I will also assume that you used Homebrew to install tesseract OCR. If you used macports or are using on another os, check official install documentation here. Your entire script should at least contain the following:
import pytesseract
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'/usr/local/Cellar/tesseract/[version]/bin/tesseract'