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Postgres query json array to find the count which matches the condition

I have a table my_table with a column name itinerary in my Postgres 12 DB.

 select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'my_table' and column_name = 'itinerary';
 column_name | data_type
 itinerary   | ARRAY
(1 row)

Every element in the itinerary is a JSON with the field name address, which has the field name city. I can find the count which matches the condition for the first element of the itinerary by using the following query:

select count(*) from my_table where lower(itinerary[1]->'address'->>'city') = 'oakland';
(1 row)

and I can also find the length of an array by using the following query:

select array_length(itinerary, 1) from my_table limit 1;

I would like to find all the records which can have a city name Oakland in their itinerary, not only as a first stop. I am not sure how to figure out that. Thanks in advance.


  • You can use exists and unnest():

    select count(*)
    from mytable t
    where exists (
        select 1
        from unnest(t.itinerary) as x(obj)
        where x.obj -> 'address'->>'city' = 'oakland'