I am using Hudson for CI and, inside it, Phing for automated testing. When I specify a phpunit task in build.xml, the test suite is run. My question is: How does this happen? Hudson is running inside JVM while PHP requires a PHP container.
It seems as if PHP is installed as CLI standalone application. If this is the case then I can somehow run tests written in phpRack which is not supported by Phing. Right? But How?
I have been searching on this but it seems as if phpRack is not well supported by others.
Hudson/Jenkins doesn't call PHP 'directly' but with the help of your build file. Your phing.xml or ant.xml or whatever you use.
And that file just fires normal system calls (in php you would do system("/usr/bin/php file.php");
or something similar.
So if you and to call a command line tool it just calls it like that. If you send out a http-request (as the phpRack examples show) you need to make sure that you have a working web server installed and the url can be accessed just as a browser would access it.