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How can I use ParseIntPipe and Dto together?

From query I get limit param. How to transform into number and check by Dto ?

    @Param() params: CurrencyTypeDto,
    @Query('limit', ParseIntPipe) limit: number,
    @Query() query: PaginationLimitDto
  ) {


export class PaginationLimitDto {
    limit: number;


  • Query and URL parameters always come in as an object of strings, just howthe underlying engines handle them. What you can do, with your DTO, is add the @Transform() decorator and do something like

    export class PaginationLimitDto {
      // pre 0.3.2 syntax
      @Transform(val => Number.parseInt(val))
      // after 0.3.2 syntax*
      @Transform({ value } => Number.parseInt(value))
      limit: number;

    Then you only need @Query() query: PaginationLimitDto in your method handler. Nest's ValidationPipe will take care of calling class-transformer and class-validator for you.

    *See changelog on Github