I'm trying to generate some sample insurance claims data that is meaningful instead of just random numbers.
Assuming I have two columns Age and Injury, I need meaningful values for ClaimAmount based on certain conditions:
ClaimantAge | InjuryType | ClaimAmount
35 Bruises
55 Fractures
. .
. .
. .
I want to generate claim amounts that increase as age increases, and then plateaus at around a certain age, say 65.
Claims for certain injuries need to be higher than claims for other types of injuries.
Currently I am generating my samples in a random manner, like so:
amount <- sample(0:100000, 2000, replace = TRUE)
How do I generate more meaningful samples?
There are many ways that this could need to be adjusted, as I don't know the field. Given that we're talking about dollar amounts, I would use the poisson distribution to generate data.
n_claims <- 2000
injuries <- c("bruises", "fractures")
prob_injuries <- c(0.7, 0.3)
sim_claims <- data.frame(claimid = 1:n_claims)
sim_claims$age <- round(rnorm(n = n_claims, mean = 35, sd = 15), 0)
sim_claims$Injury <- factor(sample(injuries, size = n_claims, replace = TRUE, prob = prob_injuries))
sim_claims$Amount <- rpois(n_claims, lambda = 100 + (5 * (sim_claims$age - median(sim_claims$age))) +
dplyr::case_when(sim_claims$Injury == "bruises" ~ 50,
sim_claims$Injury == "fractures" ~ 500))
claimid age Injury Amount
1 1 26 bruises 117
2 2 38 bruises 175
3 3 22 bruises 102
4 4 59 bruises 261
5 5 40 fractures 644
6 6 23 bruises 92