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AWS S3 Bucket - Access Denied on Sub-Pages

So I have an AWS S3 Bucket hosting the files for a react application I've built. I use CodePipeline to build and compile the React app and store the files on an S3 bucket which is served through a CloudFront CDN.

Everything seems to be working fine when I access the url from the root When I click "login" on that page I get directed to the following route and it works awesome.

The Problem If I try to access the page directly I get the following error:

  <Message>Access Denied</Message>

I set the default resource in the cloudfront CDN to the /index.html which is why the root domain works, but how do I get all there urls to point to /index.html so the app routes it properly?


  • I needed to set a rule for 403 Forbidden in my cloudfront configuration as posted here: Receive AccessDenied when trying to access a reload or refresh or one in new tab in angular 5