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IdentityServer4 Redirect to different client after login

I'm starting a new project and using IS4 for authentication. The application will have a single client and API, that that is distributed across multiple regions. The user will have a region assigned to their profile, so that they can be redirected to their regional URL(probably defined by subdomain) after they login, how can this be achieved?

e.g. User navigates to and is requested to login. In the login process the user has a region defined e.g. United-Kingdom. The user is authenticated and now I need to redirect them to their Client that will be hosted on


  • According to the OIdC spec, Identity provider has to redirect user after interactive sign in to the valid URL, provided with the authorization request. However I see at least two options to solve the requirements without any changes on Identity side.

    Both require some job on the master site,
    You can tweak the OnTicketReceived handling so that it redirects to a local site, based on some claim instead of the path originally requested by the user.
    That could look like:

    services.AddAuthentication().AddOpenIdConnect(options =>
      options.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents
        OnTicketReceived = ctx =>
          var identity = context.Principal.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
          var locale = identity?.Claims.
            FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == JwtClaimTypes.Locale)?.Value??"en-GB";
          switch (locale)
            case "ru-RU":
              ctx.ReturnUri = ""; 
              //or just, doesn't matter
              ctx.ReturnUri = ""; 
          return Task.CompletedTask;

    And here we face two alternatives:

    • To register each local site as an individual OIdC client, so that they perform as an ordinary SSO solution where the satellite sites could be even hosted separately.
    • Or to share the auth cookie among all the local sites as described in the documentation. In this case you have to control them all.