I'm trying to use a pagination inside a terms page (e.g. /layouts/tags/terms.html
) because I got many tags.
And I also want to display all my tags sorted by popularity. For the last point, I did:
{{ range .Data.Terms.ByCount}}
{{ end }}
And it works fine.
I tried:
{{ range .Data.Terms.ByCount}}
{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
But I got "can't evaluate field Paginator in type hugolib.OrderedTaxonomyEntry" ERROR.
{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
{{ range .Data.Terms.ByCount}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
I got no error but no posts are displayed, only the pagination is there.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate .Data.Terms.ByCount }}
{{ range $paginator.Pages }}
{{ end }}
I got: "error calling Paginate: cannot convert type hugolib.OrderedTaxonomy to Pages" ERROR.
I tried many others things but I couldn't figure out how to do display all my posts by popularity with a pagination in my taxonomy terms.html
Do you have more idea ?
I got the answer from somewhere else; it is:
{{ $topaginate := slice }}
{{ range $k, $v := .Data.Terms.ByCount}}
{{ $topaginate = $topaginate | append (site.GetPage (print $.Data.Plural "/" $v.Term )) }}
{{ end }}
{{ range (.Paginate $topaginate).Pages }}
{{ . }}
{{ end }}