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Move openlayers zoom tools on event

Trying to reproduce something similar to Openlayers with sidebar where once the sidebar is expanded the .ol-zoom margin-left is modified to change its position but I can't use jquery in my project, so looks for Vanilla JS or Angular based solution.

I saw that its quiet easy to change position of the openlayers Zoom buttons as answered here but I would like to change the position on some event trigger like a (sidebar-toggle button) button click.



  • Here is my solution

    const olZoom = document.getElementsByClassName("ol-zoom");
    const sideBarElements = document.getElementsByClassName("sidebar-left");
    if(!this.sidebarVisibility) {
      (olZoom[0] as HTMLElement).style.marginLeft = "0px";
      (olZoom[0] as HTMLElement).style.marginTop = "60px";
    } else {
      setTimeout(() => {
        (olZoom[0] as HTMLElement).style.marginLeft = ((sideBarElements[0] as HTMLElement).offsetWidth - 10) + 'px';
        (olZoom[0] as HTMLElement).style.marginTop = "0px";
      }, 50);

    major issue what I was facing was that I wasn't casting Element to HTMLElement in typescript as explained here which was blocking me to apply my margin style