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Why my !ban command dosen't work (User not found) DISCORD.NET / C#

I'm trying to make a bot using Discord.NET in C#. If I try to ban a user with my command, an error is returned on my console app : User not found

My other commands are working

My Task HandleCommandAsync :

    public async Task HandleCommandAsync(SocketMessage socketMessage)
        var message = socketMessage as SocketUserMessage;
        var context = new SocketCommandContext(_client, message);

        if (message.Author.IsBot)

        int caracterPos = 0;
        if(message.HasStringPrefix("!", ref caracterPos))
            var result = await _commands.ExecuteAsync(context, caracterPos, _services);
            if (!result.IsSuccess)
            if (result.Error.Equals(CommandError.UnmetPrecondition))
                await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result.ErrorReason);

result.ErrorReason => "User not found"

await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result.ErrorReason); => don't send a message

My command in my commands.cs class :

    [RequireUserPermission(GuildPermission.BanMembers, ErrorMessage = "Tu n'as pas la permission de bannir des membres !")]
    public async Task BanMember(SocketGuildUser user = null, [Remainder] string reason = null)
        if (user == null)
            await ReplyAsync("Aucun Utilisateur spécifié");
        if (reason == null)
            reason = "Raison non-spécifiée";

        var embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder()
            .WithDescription($":white_check_mark: {user.Mention} a été banni\n**Raison :** {reason}")
            .WithColor(new Color(255,0,0));
        Embed embed = embedBuilder.Build();
        await ReplyAsync(embed: embed);
        await Context.Guild.AddBanAsync(user, 0, reason);

My command in Discord : !ban @user reason

Thanks for your help !



  • You must activate that in your discord application -> Bot :

    enter image description here