I have a custom WebView that I add to my layout xml:
<my.company.ui.ExtendedWebView />
It extends the native WebView:
class ExtendedWebView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyle: Int = 0)
: WebView(context, attrs, defStyle) {
// ...
How can I use Hilt to inject a @Singelton
class in to the class above? Property injection? How should I annotate the class?
What I have found is that the @AndroidEntryPoint
annotation needs to be on the View, the Fragment (if in a Fragment) AND the Activity. Because Annotations.
So consider you have your DI set up as follows:
/* CONTENTS OF com.org.app.di/dependencyModule.kt */
object DependencyModule {
fun provideDependency(@ApplicationContext context: Context): DependencyType
= DependencyInstance(context)
And my Application is properly set up:
class SuperAwesomeApplication : Application()
/* Remember to reference this is the manifest file, under the name attricbute! */
Now if I have a View with an injected dependency:
class SuperAwesomeView(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : View(context, attrs) {
lateinit var dependency: DependencyType
I will get the error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: class com.app.org.ui.view.SuperAwesomeView, Hilt view must be attached to an @AndroidEntryPoint Fragment or Activity.
So I added the @AndroidEntryPoint
annotation to the Fragment containing the View:
class SuperAwesomeFragment : Fragment() {
And then we get hit with the next error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Hilt Fragments must be attached to an @AndroidEntryPoint Activity. Found: class com.org.ui.SuperAwesomeActivity
And so I've learned the annotations need to bubble all the way up, from View to (if in a Fragment) Fragment, to Activity:
class SuperAwesomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {