function assessVoter () public view returns(uint) {
uint weight = (msg.sender).balance;
return (weight);
edit: I figured out the issue re: identifier. I had started a struct above and forgot to delete the incomplete struct. But assistance regarding the identification of balance would still be super appreciated!
I created a function to return the balance of a user's wallet address... Not sure if this is even how its properly done, just made intuitive sense to me ^ . ^
I got this error. Part of the issue is that I am very new and don't know what an identifier is. Additionally, as a side question, how would one query for the balance of a specific ERC-20 within a wallet?
ParserError: Expected identifier but got 'function' function assessVoter () public view returns(uint)
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ERC20 is a smart contract just like any other. Here is an example of how to call a method of another contract of the network. In this case - you would be calling the balance method of the token contract.
var contractABI = [{"constant":true,"inputs":....}];
var contractAddress = "0xa74476443119A942dE498590Fe1f24500000000";
var lookupAddress = "0xa74476443119A942dE498590Fe1f245000000000";
var contract = eth.contract(contractABI).at(contactAddress);
var balance = contract.balanceOf(lookupAddress);