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Compare two CSV file in JMeter

I have two CSV file, one is to read the data and another is to compare the data, I am able to read the data from CSV file, now the response which comes from server I want to compare that response in another CSV File.enter image description here


  • You can do this using Response Assertion which can be applied either to the whole response body:

    enter image description here

    or you can compare 2 JMeter Variables originating from different CSV files:

    enter image description here

    Also you have various comparison options like:

    • using regular expressions for "contains" and "matches" modes
    • using strings for "substring" mode (don't be confused with "contains" as they're different beasts)
    • Checking whether expected and actual result are equal
    • Providing more than one expected criteria
    • Use clauses like "Not" and "Or"
    • etc.

    More information: Response Assertions in JMeter 3.2 - New and Improved