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Turn range of numbers into a comma divided list (Classic ASP)

Seems like a really common question, but have yet to find a Classic ASP example.

I have data presented like the following from the database we have inherited:


I need to be able to convert this into a comma divided list, in consecutive order, pulling not only the numbers present, but the numbers within the ranges (specified by the -)

So in the above example, I would expect the output of:


THEN I want to be able to store that result as a single variable, so I can do more work with it later.

I have found Python Methods, C#, Javascript, PHP etc, but not one for Classic ASP. Can anyone help?

FYI, there would never be any duplicate numbers, each number will be unique.


  • The basic steps to do this are

    1. Split your initial list by commas
    2. Iterate through each of those items, checking if there's a hyphen
    3. If there's a hyphen, then loop from the start to end, and add that value to an array, if there is no hyphen, then just add the value

    At that point you have a list of all values, unsorted, and not unique.

    In Classic ASP, you can use an Arraylist to help with the sorting and uniqueness. Create two arraylist objects. One will contain the non-unique list, and then the other will contain your final unique list.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="" lang="en">
        v="120-128,10,20,30,12-19,13-22" 'our original string to parse
        set uniqueList=CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") 'final unique list
        set mynumbers=CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")  'a working list
        'first split the values by the comma
        splitCom=Split(v, ",")
        'now go through each item
        for itemnumber=0 to ubound(splitCom)
            if InStr(itemToAdd, "-")>0 then  'if the item has a hyphen, then we have a range of numbers
                rangeSplit=Split(itemToAdd, "-")
                for itemToAdd=rangeSplit(0) to rangeSplit(1)
                    mynumbers.Add CInt(itemToAdd)
                mynumbers.Add Cint(itemToAdd) 'otherwise add the value itself
            end if
        'at this point, mynumbers contains a full list of all your values, unsorted, and non-unique.
        mynumbers.sort  'sort the list. Can't be any easier than this
        'output the non-unique list, and build a unique list while we are at it.
        Response.Write("Non-unique list<br />")
        for each item in mynumbers                      'iterate through each item
            Response.Write(item & "<br />")             'print it
                if (not uniqueList.Contains(item)) then 'is the value in our unique list?
                    uniqueList.Add(item)                'no, so add it to the unique list
                end if
        'now output the unique list.
        Response.Write("<br />Unique list<br />")
        for each item in uniqueList
            Response.Write(item & "<br />")