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Illegal reflective access by com.liferay.petra.reflect.ReflectionUtil

This error is thrown when I launch the Liferay Tomcat server from Eclipse. I have been following this tutorial:


  • I am posting this Q&A because I lost some time in debugging this silly situation and hope this is helping the others - The reason is because wrong path configured for Tomcat Server when declaring new Server: I have been set the <path_to_liferay_tomcat_bundle>\liferay-ce-portal-7.3.5-ga6 and it should have been <path_to_liferay_tomcat_bundle>\liferay-ce-portal-7.3.5-ga6\tomcat-9.0.37

    I was misled by the fact that Eclipse said it recognize the project as being a Tomcat one - the message - "Detected portal bundle type: Tomcat"