Hey :) i have a questions in regards to locking or mutex behavior.
Lets assume the following scenarios:
possible solutions
I know that this might not be a normal use case for dagster, but i'd also like to use dagster for other workflows such as cleanup tasks and trigger of other pipelines.
Thanks for sharing your use case. I don't think Dagster currently supports these features natively. However the 0.10.0 release (a few months out) will include run-level queuing, allowing you place limits on concurrent pipeline runs. Currently it only supports a global limit on runs, but soon will support adding rules based on pipeline tags (e.g. pipelines tagged 'resource-heavy' could be limited to 3 concurrent runs). It seems like that might fit this use case?
A guide to previewing the current queuing system is here. Also feel free to reach out to me on the Dagster slack at @johann!