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TAP (Test Anything Protocol) module for VHDL

Is there a TAP (Test Anything Protocol) implementation for VHDL? It would be nice because then I could use prove to check my results automatically. There are also nice formatting swuites such as smolder that can process it output. You might ask why not use assertions. Partly TAP gives me some good reporting such as number of files and number of tests. I'm looking for a minimal implentation with number of tests at the beginning and end and the ok, diag and fail functions. is() would really nice, but not necessary. I could write this, but why reinvent the wheel.

This is the question as in this question but for VHDL instead of Verilog.


  • I wrote one that I've used a lot, but I've never distributed it. Here it is (the not-included base_pkg mostly has to_string() implementations for everything).

    -- Copyright © 2010 Wesley J. Landaker <>
    -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    -- (at your option) any later version.
    -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    -- GNU General Public License for more details.
    -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    -- along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    -- Output is standard TAP (Test Anything Protocol) version 13
    package test_pkg is
      procedure test_redirect(filename : string);
      procedure test_plan(tests : natural; directive : string := "");
      procedure test_abort(reason : string);
      procedure test_finished(directive : string := "");
      procedure test_comment (message : string);
      procedure test_pass (description : string := ""; directive : string := "");
      procedure test_fail (description : string := ""; directive : string := "");
      procedure test_ok   (result : boolean; description : string := ""; directive : string := "");
      procedure test_equal(actual, expected : integer; description : string := ""; directive : string := "");
      procedure test_equal(actual, expected : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := "");
      procedure test_equal(actual, expected : time; description : string := ""; directive : string := "");
      procedure test_equal(actual, expected : string; description : string := ""; directive : string := "");
      procedure test_equal(actual, expected : bit_vector; description : string := ""; directive : string := "");
      procedure test_approx_absolute(actual, expected, absolute_error : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := "");
      procedure test_approx_relative(actual, expected, relative_error : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := "");
    end package;
    use std.textio.all;
    use work.base_pkg.all;
    package body test_pkg is
      file test_output : text;
      shared variable initialized : boolean := false;
      shared variable have_plan : boolean := false;
      shared variable last_test_number : natural := 0;
      function remove_eol(s : string) return string is
        variable s_no_eol : string(s'range);
        for i in s'range loop
          case s(i) is
            when LF | CR => s_no_eol(i) := '_';
            when others  => s_no_eol(i) := s(i);
          end case;
        end loop;
        return s_no_eol;
      end function;
      function make_safe (s : string) return string is
        variable s_no_hash : string(s'range);
        for i in s'range loop
          case s(i) is
            when '#'    => s_no_hash(i) := '_';
            when others => s_no_hash(i) := s(i);
          end case;
        end loop;
        return remove_eol(s_no_hash);
      end function;
      procedure init is
        variable l : line;
        if initialized then
        end if;
        initialized := true;
        file_open(test_output, "STD_OUTPUT", write_mode);
        write(l, string'("TAP version 13"));
        writeline(test_output, l);
      end procedure;
      procedure test_redirect(filename : string) is
        file_open(test_output, filename, write_mode);
      end procedure;
      procedure test_plan(tests : natural; directive : string := "") is
        variable l : line;
        have_plan := true;
        write(l, string'("1.."));
        write(l, tests);
        if directive'length > 0 then
          write(l, " # " & remove_eol(directive));
        end if;
        writeline(test_output, l);
      end procedure;
      procedure test_abort(reason : string) is
        variable l : line;
        write(l, "Bail out! " & remove_eol(reason));
        writeline(test_output, l);
        assert false
          report "abort called"
          severity failure;
      end procedure;
      procedure test_finished (directive : string := "") is
        if not have_plan then
          test_plan(last_test_number, directive);
        elsif directive'length > 0 then
          test_comment("1.." & integer'image(last_test_number) & " # " & directive);
          test_comment("1.." & integer'image(last_test_number));
        end if;
      end procedure;
      procedure test_comment (message : string) is
        variable l : line;
        write(l, '#');
        if message'length > 0 then
          write(l, " " & remove_eol(message));
        end if;
        writeline(test_output, l);
      end procedure;
      procedure result (status : string; description : string; directive : string) is
        variable l : line;
        last_test_number := last_test_number + 1;
        write(l, status & " ");
        write(l, last_test_number);
        if description'length > 0 then
          write(l, " " & make_safe(description));
        end if;
        if directive'length > 0 then
          write(l, " # " & remove_eol(directive));
        end if;
        writeline(test_output, l);
      end procedure;
      procedure test_pass (description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is
        result("ok", description, directive);
      end procedure;
      procedure test_fail (description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is
        result("not ok", description, directive);
      end procedure;
      procedure test_ok (result : boolean; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is
        if result then
          test_pass(description, directive);
          test_fail(description, directive);
        end if;
      end procedure;
      procedure test_equal(actual, expected : integer; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is
        variable ok : boolean := actual = expected;
        test_ok(ok, description, directive);
        if not ok then
          test_comment("actual = " & integer'image(actual) & ", expected = " & integer'image(expected));
        end if;
      end procedure;
      procedure test_equal(actual, expected : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is
        variable ok : boolean := actual = expected;
        test_ok(ok, description, directive);
        if not ok then
          test_comment("actual = " & real'image(actual) & ", expected = " & real'image(expected));
        end if;
      end procedure;
      procedure test_equal(actual, expected : time; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is
        variable ok : boolean := actual = expected;
        test_ok(ok, description, directive);
        if not ok then
          test_comment("actual = " & time'image(actual) & ", expected = " & time'image(expected));
        end if;
      end procedure;
      procedure test_equal(actual, expected : string; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is
        variable ok : boolean := actual = expected;
        test_ok(ok, description, directive);
        if not ok then
          test_comment("actual = " & actual & ", expected = " & expected);
        end if;
      end procedure;
      procedure test_equal(actual, expected : bit_vector; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is
        variable ok : boolean := actual = expected;
        test_ok(ok, description, directive);
        if not ok then
          test_comment("actual = " & to_string(actual) & ", expected = " & to_string(expected));
        end if;
      end procedure;
      procedure test_approx_absolute(actual, expected, absolute_error : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is
        variable err : real := abs(actual - expected);
        variable ok : boolean := err <= absolute_error;
        test_ok(ok, description, directive);
        if not ok then
          test_comment("actual = " & to_string(actual) & ", expected = " & to_string(expected) & ", absolute error = " & to_string(err));
        end if;
      end procedure;
      procedure test_approx_relative(actual, expected, relative_error : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is
        variable err : real := abs(actual - expected)/abs(expected);
        variable ok : boolean := err <= relative_error;
        test_ok(ok, description, directive);
        if not ok then
          test_comment("actual = " & to_string(actual) & ", expected = " & to_string(expected) & ", relative error = " & to_string(err));
        end if;
      end procedure;
    end package body;