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Is ThreadChannelConnectionFactory supposed to be compatible with RabbitAdmin automatic declaration?

As illustrated in the (failing) test below, Declarables are not declared when a connection is created:

private const val QUEUE = "test"

class ThreadChannelConnectionFactoryTest {

    private lateinit var admin: AmqpAdmin

    fun queueExists() {

    @SpringBootApplication(proxyBeanMethods = false)
    protected class TestApplication {

        fun queue() = QueueBuilder.nonDurable(QUEUE).build()

        fun connectionFactory() = ThreadChannelConnectionFactory(RabbitConnectionFactoryBean().rabbitConnectionFactory)

Commenting out the connectionFactory bean definition makes the test pass, since Spring Boot then creates an old-fashioned CachingConnectionFactory.

Is there any good reason for that or has it simply been overlooked? What are my options if I need both feature sets?

  • ThreadLocal channels
  • automatic Declarable declaration

EDIT : The following workaround seems to work as of 2.3.1:

class ConnectionListenerFiringThreadChannelConnectionFactory(connectionFactory: ConnectionFactory, isPublisher: Boolean) : ThreadChannelConnectionFactory(connectionFactory) {

    init {
        if (!isPublisher) {
            setPublisherConnectionFactory(ConnectionListenerFiringThreadChannelConnectionFactory(connectionFactory, true))

    constructor(connectionFactory: ConnectionFactory) : this(connectionFactory, false)

    override fun createConnection(): Connection {
        val connection = super.createConnection()

        return connection


  • It's a bug; your work around is correct.