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How to create a custom diverging colormap in matplotlib?

I want to create a colormap similar to "RdBu" in matplotlib. traditional "RdBu"

I want to make the colormap in this sequence light blue->dark blue-> black(center)->dark red->light red. Something like this. Required colormap

So it is similar to "RdBu" but white changes to black & dark colors interchanged with light colors. So it is just inverting the "RdBu" colors. I don't know how to do it.


  • I just tried to create a colormap to meet my requirements recently. Here is my attempt to build the colormap you need. I know it is not perfect. But it show you how to get started.

    import matplotlib
    import as cm
    from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
    # create sample data set
    # both will be: 0 - 1
    x = np.random.rand(400)
    y = np.random.rand(400)
    # for realistic use
    # set extreme values -900, +900 (approx.)
    rval = 900
    z = ((x+y)-1)*rval
    # set up fig/ax for plotting
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))
    # option: set background color
    # the colormap to create
    low2hiColor = None
    # create listedColormap
    bottom = cm.get_cmap('Blues', 256)
    top = cm.get_cmap('Reds_r', 256)
    mycolormap = np.vstack((bottom(np.linspace(0.25, 1, 64)),
                            [0.03137255, 0.08823529, 0.41960784, 1.],
                            [0.02137255, 0.04823529, 0.21960784, 1.],
                            [0.01137255, 0.02823529, 0.11960784, 1.],
                            [0.00037255, 0.00823529, 0.00960784, 1.],
                            #[0.00000255, 0.00000529, 0.00060784, 1.],
    mycolormap = np.vstack((mycolormap,
                            #[0.00060784, 0.00000529, 0.00000255, 1.],
                            [0.00960784, 0.00823529, 0.00037255, 1.],
                            [0.11960784, 0.02823529, 0.01137255, 1.],
                            [0.21960784, 0.04823529, 0.02137255, 1.],
                            [0.41960784, 0.08823529, 0.03137255, 1.],
    mycolormap = np.vstack((mycolormap,
                            top(np.linspace(0, 0.75, 64)),
    low2hiColor = ListedColormap(mycolormap, name='low2hiColor')
    # colorbar is created separately using pre-determined `cmap`
    minz = -900 #min(z)
    maxz = 900  #max(z)
    norm_low2hiColor = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(minz, maxz)
    # plot dataset as filled contour
    norm1 = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(minz, maxz)
    cntr1 = ax.tricontourf(x, y, z, levels=64, cmap=low2hiColor, norm=norm1)
    gridlines = ax.grid(b=True)  # this plot grid
    cbar= plt.colorbar( cntr1 ) 
    plt.title("Light-Dark Blue Black Dark-Light Red")

    The sample plot:
