I am not sure, what to search for below requirement. I am using the below type for react props.
interface ComponentProps {
message : string,
minValue? : number,
minValueValidationMessage? :string
Now, I want to let the typescript know that, if minValue
is specified then minValueValidationMessage
should also be required.
if minValueValidationMessage
is specified, then minValue
should also be specified.
I have quite a few similar such combinations and can happen in any permutation and combination.
You can try the below one.
interface ComponentProps {
message : string,
min? : {value : number, validationMessage : string},
max? : {value : number, validationMessage : string},
When using props you can specify
message={"Hello World"}
min={{value:10,vaidationMessage:"Value should be more than 10"}}
If {value : number, validationMessage : string}
repeats then it can be extracted to separate type.